Author: Robin Sharma
Number of Pages: 256
Publishing year: 2003
“The heights by rich men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight
But they while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
These words were quoted by Robin Sharma in the 84th chapter of his book “Who Will Cry When You Die”. Published in the year 2003, this book will definitely force you to ask a few questions from yourself :
What’s my life’s purpose?
What is my life’s calling?
Am I wasting my life being the way i am?
This book as its name suggests will not tell you that how many and who will cry after you die but will certainly help you in creating a special place for yourself in this world. Robin teaches his readers to understand their calling in life (the thing they are best at) to create a difference in the world rather than following others. Besides this, his convincing style of writing also helps readers to stop and think for their actual purpose in life.
Do you think we are born to get up, get ready for our respective jobs, go to office, complete the work assigned to us, come back home, spend an hour or may be no time with our family, sleep and then again follow the same routine the next day?
No, Robin says, “If you are not fueling your dreams, you are surely fueling your limitations”. Besides this, explaining the quotations and sayings of James Allen, he says, we become what we think because “It’s never too late to become what we think”. His vision towards the world and their perspectives says, “We don’t see the world as it is, we see it the way we are”.
Divided into a series of 101 chapters, this book should be read as a self-help book. May be, reading one-chapter-a-day will make you a better man.

Personal Opinion:
Though the book is successful in raising the questions it wanted to, but I found the chapters and its teachings way too exaggerated. The language is simple and is easily understandable. Do not read it if you truly want to know the names of people who will cry after your death. Read it, when you find life tough, when you need a true guide to get motivated.
Other reviews:
“I personally believe that death is one of the most underrated topic is in this era. Strange that everyone dies but still no one talks about it. I personally feel it should be taken as normal as eating or getting married or something like that. If it’s inevitable, we must learn to know it; in fact look forward to it as an experience. Only God knows till when this society will ignore things that matter the most.”
-Nishant Arora (Entrepreneur, my mentor and brother)
Overall Rating:
Book Cover: 3.5/5
Language: 4/5
Final Rating: 3.75/5
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