The Seeker
- By Karan Bajaj
- By Karan Bajaj
“So if there is birth, age, suffering, sorrow and death, then there must be something that is un-born, un-aging, un-ailing, sorrow-less and deathless, immortals as it were.”
An encounter with his mother’s loss forces Maximus Pzoras, an investment banker, to think deeply into the true meanings of life and death. The story is starts with this incident which makes him curious about his actual purposes of life, the secrets behind life and death and the world of Enlightenment. To find the answers that are hidden, he starts his journey by looking for a mentor who could direct him towards the path of Enlightenment, Nirvana.
His first near death experience at Himalayas, patience towards starvation, learning of Pranayam, Asanas, Meditation and Silence help him in conquering his answers up to a certain level. But still there remains something which keeps obstructing his path of reaching the end of Yoga. Throughout his expedition, he keeps struggling with the pull of his family back home and the luxuries that were associated with his life in New York. In his final quest for answers and desire for enlightenment after years of Meditation and Silence practice, he leaves for Himalayas again for the solitude he needed. Will he be able to achieve Nirvana or the path he is travelling is just a misconception? Read this spiritual thriller to find all the answers.
My Opinion:

Can a man walk on water?? Yes he did
Can he see the future?? Yes he did
Can he read minds?? Yes he did.
The depth, Karan has shown in his writing can't be written by an immature. It surely is a result of years of personal experience, knowledge and understanding of Yoga. The beauty of his words didn't let my mind roam anywhere else while reading. Each chapter written was a cherry on the cake experience, more beautifully described than the previous one. The two lives of the protagonist, the one spent in New York, the one spent at Ramakrishna’s Ashram and in Himalayas seemed two extremes, exceptionally connected with a strong thread of determination and memories.
The Seeker is a perfect blend of adventure and the spiritual expedition towards Nirvana. A must-read book for those who seek deeper meanings in their life.
“Tada drastuh svarupe vasthanam
Then, the seer dwells in His own true splendor”
Book Cover: 3.5/5
Language: 5/5
Character Justification: 4/5
Final Rating: 4.5/5
Final Rating: 4.5/5
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