Monday, 30 April 2018

Take a leap | Realise your dreams

A: Hey! So, you've changed your job? Blogging and all, haan?

B: No, it's my personal blog and all of this is nothing but personal blogging and l’il passion for fashion and food. :)

A: So, you are saying that you don't get anything from this in return? And, you're doing it for free?

B: Hahahaha! Okay, now that you've asked, let me confess something. Yes, you're right. I am getting nothing from this blog but some weird looks that say, 'she's crazy, etc.'. Yes, I am getting no monetary benefits from this. None! And, half of the world and the people I keep sending the links of my latest posts think that she's too free to do all of this (Btw, I am a good performer at work too! Yeah, ask my manager and I am not at all free to do all of this but a bit passionate, I would say). But, you know what, this makes me happy. Very happy. 

I always wanted to be a blogger/writer. My job profile is kinda-related but something very different (totally different, trust me!) but this is me. ♥ All of this, be it my weird observations, feelings, fashion suggestions, confessions, food reviews, book reviews, sketches, all of this is me. Also, the salary that gets credited in my account on the 29th of every month makes me happy but a post with over 500 views and above 10 comments makes me happier. 

(What followed next isn't important!)


Dear reader,

Okay, I don't know whether I'll be sharing this blog post on any social media platform or with people on whatsapp or with people I love or not at all with anyone, but I think what I am gonna write here is an issue that's bothering me from a long time. 

A question first!

What would you do if money becomes invisible or just a piece of paper and you get to do what you'd love to do, like from the bottom of your heart? Would you still continue with the job that you have or shift to a hobby or a dream that you keep thinking about but never have the strength or courage to pursue? 

Answer this for your own self! 

Most of us, I pardon, most of us are stuck at places and in jobs that we would never choose if money is not an issue and if life gives us a choice (of course).

But, how many of us seriously think about this. We keep complaining to our peers of the wrong places we are stuck at, of not getting any better at things or keep telling them about our dreams that we actually think of pursuing after 40 (because, we think we'd be able to save a lot till then). Grow up! That's never gonna happen if you don't start right now. 

I wouldn’t say what you are doing is all wrong, but there’s something wrong in the way most of us are raised in this society. A safe life, a safe career, a safe job, a safe relation and everything that is just safe has led us to lead a life that is also just safe and mediocre

You must have your share of people who must have laughed on you when you told them about what you actually want to do in life, some of them must have supported and there might be some who must have asked you to pursue it because they believe in you. Listen to everybody, my love but do what you feel like. 

Take their wisdom but let the experience be yours. You need to have your share of failures to understand what works for you and what does not. Believe in yourself, find that one thing that is really, really different and comes from deep within. We were all born free, then why stay bottled up, take a leap.
- a dialogue of Sumeet Vyas from a short film titled – Born Free

Watch it here:

So, if you are wondering that I have changed a l’il in the past few days that you must be observing me, let me introduce you to this new product. The new product is me. It is the belief that I have on me. And, Oh! I am not special to have this superpower. This new product is easily available, it's right there in your gut.

You just have to listen to it. Whenever there's a voice coming from your gut to tell you, you are good at this, you should do this, this will make you happy, you should listen to it. And, if you somehow think, you are not good at it, try, try hard and try enough to turn good at it because you know what, efforts can do wonders. 

Go grab your old notebook and start writing again, or maybe take out your paint brushes and start painting again, or start reading again because you couldn’t do it from some time, or start singing again because it makes you happy or dance because you loved doing that or start talking to more and more people because you love listening to people, or grab your camera that’s just eating dust from a very long time, or cook every day because creating wonders in the kitchen has always been your passion or join your college-time theater group again and make everyone go all dumbstruck with your performance once again or just take out your rucksack and travel to that one destination you’ve always wanted to because you deserve to be happy and if what you are doing right now in your 9-5 job isn’t making you happy, I think it is high time you should learn and focus more on your hobbies because you are worth it. 

(Are you one of those who still don’t know what you should do because you never actually realised what you wanted to do with life, in life. Oh confused soul! You are the luckiest of all because you can actually try and test all of this before you realise what your cup of tea really tastes like.) 

No matter how stupid it sounds to people, do it. People will laugh at you, don't take it seriously, because this belief that you will have on yourself, no one will be able to take it away from you. You never know, maybe life will turn around and you end up being at the place of your dreams. <3 


PS: I have no intentions of motivating you in any sense to quit your job to chase your dreams. Do it along with it because money is important too! And, somehow, if you have plenty of it, go, take a leap. <3


  1. I just love the way how you speak your heart out in such a simple manner. Very inspiring!

    1. Thank you. Simplicity can do all those magics that complexity can never do. Keep writing back. :-)

  2. A perfect write up for people who are not able to pursue their dreams. Sometimes I think that money is such a valuable thing in our life. If there was no money then how would our life be.
    Very inspiring post by you Mani keep it up.

    1. Money and Mani both are indeed extremely valuable. Lol! ;-)

  3. Nice write up mani :) you totally motivate people and make them sit back to think for a while. Keep writing your thoughtful write-ups. It really makes inspired :)

    1. All we need is people who can motivate to live a better life. i am vlad I motivated you. You've been one of my pillars of strength since forever. Stay there always. :-)
